Tidigare event

Summary: Smart & Sustainable Cities Conference

On Tuesday the 9th of April 2019, the Smart & Sustainable Cities Conference gathered 180 people at Näringslivets Hus, to talk about the present and future of our cities.

Per Bolund, Housing Minister, introduced the day: “Mes amis...Sweden and France should take a lead. Rethink what a city can be”, alongside David Cvach, French Ambassador in Sweden.


This event was co-organized by the French Chamber of Commerce and the French Embassy in Sweden, in partnership with Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield and BNP Paribas,  and supported by Equator.


Thirty-seven key actors from both private and public sector exposed their thoughts, challenges, and solutions to the attendees, in 5 different themes:

  • Green Building

  • Energy & Smart Cities

  • Global Approach to Mobility

  • Housing Policy, Social Inclusion & Citizen Participation

  • Resilience & Sustainability


Many subjects were addressed, and each of the panelists discussion showed us that projects are already being undertaken. The will to work together toward smart & sustainable cities is not just an idea anymore, people are working hard everyday to make a change, and improve our ways of living . From better waste management, smarter mobility, cleaner energy to more social inclusion and better housing policies, the French and Swedish cities, supported by the companies, are creating the cities of tomorrow. But there is still a lot to do. This conference was not the end of the French-Swedish Partnership for Innovation and Green Solutions, but a new step forward to new common projects.


“It is time to get to work for a sustainable, climate friendly future - children around the world demand it from us, and France and Sweden can lead the way!”

Mattias Goldmann


We would like to thank all the speakers for the quality of their speech, that made this event a concrete and relevant gathering. You can find below all their names, with their presentation in hyperlink.





Global Approach to Mobility Green Building Energy & Smart Cities








    Housing Policy, Social Inclusion,
& Citizen Participation
    Resilience & Sustainability    




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