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Visit of the Chevalier Paul Frigate.
Our members were offered the opportunity to visit the Horizan-class Frigate Chevalier Paul of the French Navy.
Usually on other theatres of operations, in the Mediterranean Sea or in the Atlantic Ocean, this Frigate is most often seen around the Aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle. Horizon-class frigates are the most powerful surface combatants that France has ever built, their main task being air-traffic control in a war zone.
The Chevalier Paul frigate is an air defense frigate of the Horizon class of the French Navy. Its specialty is air traffic control in war zones, but it can also intervene in a crisis context (evacuation of nationals, intelligence, commando intervention), in protection of ships with little or no weapons.
It was her first deployment in the Baltic Sea and a great show of strengthened cooperation between France and Sweden.Thank you to the Ambassade France en Suède and Ship’s crew for the opportunity given to our members to visit this magnificent warship.
Thank you to the participants it was a pleasure to discover this with you!